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Travel Tips – Bulgaria

In this article I will try to help the tourists with car who visit Bulgaria. All the advices are based to personal experience. Plan your trip Start early in the morning to escape the traffic Have a list with the interesting places in advance Roads You need GPS coordinates of of the place, it is good ta have

Възможността Multi Level Marketing

Multi Level Marketing (MLM) представлява следното - вие използвате и харесвате продуктите на дадена компания, рекламирате ги на ваши познати и когато и те си купуват от продуктите, за вас има бонус. Целта не е да продавате от врата на врата, да разнасяте големи чанти с продукти и да се

Festival “The living Fire of traditions” 21-23 Sept. 2018

On 21, 22 and 23 Septemberm 2018, the Thracians Route Foundation organized the third edition of the unique festival "The Living Fire of Traditions" under the title "Symbol and Ritual". It took place in the park "Military Academy", Sofia (GPS: 42.692393, 23.344810) “ЖИВИЯТ ОГЪН НА ТРАДИЦИИТЕ”, 21-23 Септември 2018 в парк „ Военна

Two days in Assenovgrad

It is September, the autumn is coming. It is time for our next autumn photo session. We choose Bulgaria. Why Bulgaria? Do not we know our country well enough? Is there anything else to surprise us? And again the Rhodopi mountain. This time we choose the Eastern Rhodopi. Rodopi mountain is a
