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Great (Easter) Thursday


Today is the Great Thursday, the fourth day of the Holy Week and the first before the Resurrection of Christ. Great Thursday is connected with the Last Supper when the sacrament of the sacrament is established. After dinner, Christ took bread, blessed him, broke it, gave his disciples and said, "Take, eat, this

Tulips in Sofia 2019

Like every year in April, a lot of tulips blossomed Sofia. The flowers are professionaly arranged. The can be seen in the park of National Palac of Culture, near river Perlovec and Bulgaria bulevard. Tulips have a wide variety of meanings, each color symbolizing something different. It is generally accepted that

April – Magnolia blossomed

Magnolias are one of the oldest and most ancient plants in the world. They are the highest aristocracy among the trees and bushes that have hardly changed because they have been created perfect. They bear the name of French botanist Pierre Magnol, who received this name in 1703 in his honor. Magnolia
