May the day that God has resurrected bring you happiness, love and joy. Easter is one of my favourite holidays! It is spring, it is beautiful. The tradition in Bulgaria is to prepare a lamb, green salad and kozunak.
Religious Traditions
Great (Easter) Thursday
Today is the Great Thursday, the fourth day of the Holy Week and the first before the Resurrection of Christ. Great Thursday is connected with the Last Supper when the sacrament of the sacrament is established. After dinner, Christ took bread, blessed him, broke it, gave his disciples and said, "Take, eat, this
10 February st. Haralampy
On 10th of February Orthodox Christians celebrate the feast of st. Haralampy and st. Valentina. Saint Haralampy is a patron of beekeepers, gardeners and fruit growers. Six o'clock in the morning, 10 February 2019, Saturday. It's a day off and Sofia is still quiet. The sun has not risen, the temperature outside
6th of December Nikulden
Nikulden* is one of the important Orthodox feasts. Dedicated to St. Nicholas Mirliki, who is honored as a deliverer to the captives and patron sailors, travelers, merchants and bankers. The name Nikolay comes originally from Greek. In the Greek Nicholas (Νικολάος) comes from the words "νικάω" (nikáo) - I win
Happy Easter
Midnight against Easter
At midnight against Easter in the church temples a solemn worship is held, and at exactly 0.00 h, the priest announces the Resurrection of the Son of God with the words "Christ the Voccasion!" And the Christians answer "Vistina Voscreesta!". The priest lightes a candle from which all present light their
Good Friday
Flowers day, week before Eastern
The Sunday before Eastern is the Flowers day or Tzvetnica in Bulgarian. The date depends on Eastern, so it changes every year. The day before, on Saturday, is Lazarovden (Lazarov means to the person named Lazar and day means day, so the day of Lazar). The word Tzvetnica comes from the word tzvete that
There are a lot of Bulgarian traditions related with Christmas Eve. The menu is vegetarian Christmas Eve is a family holiday in Bulgaria. The tradition is to have only vegetable dishes. The number of the dishes must be 7 or 12 (we count even the salt and the pepper). Everything must be humble but nowdays