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Great (Easter) Thursday


Today is the Great Thursday, the fourth day of the Holy Week and the first before the Resurrection of Christ. Great Thursday is connected with the Last Supper when the sacrament of the sacrament is established. After dinner, Christ took bread, blessed him, broke it, gave his disciples and said, "Take, eat, this

Midnight against Easter

At midnight against Easter in the church temples a solemn worship is held, and at exactly 0.00 h, the priest announces the Resurrection of the Son of God with the words "Christ the Voccasion!" And the Christians answer "Vistina Voscreesta!". The priest lightes a candle from which all present light their

Good Friday

It is good Friday when Jesus was crucified It Is a Good Friday today. It is the day when when Jesus was crucified. On that day people don't work and it is an official non working day in Bulgaria. Believers visit the church to bow down to the cloak, symbolizing the cloth with which
